Rancho Saguaro

Cowboy Kangsters in "Real Good Man" a Tim McGraw parody by Jerry Yoon Photography

This one's a real treat for all of our faithful blog followers. I've been doing these boy band music video parodies since before I even started shooting weddings. It all started with Philip Kang getting a bunch of the groomsmen together to do a Backstreet Boy parody for the first guy in their group of friends to get married, Lewis Choi. What we came up with was Choi's Boys "Drowning". That was shot on my Sony camcorder back in 2002 and we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into.

The scintillating followup video was also put together by Philip Kang in 2004, for his friend Jimin. By this time, two of the men were married and one had a child. "The One" by Oh Town was a highly anticipated sequel to "Drowning". Needless to say, the group still managed to pull off another exciting production and their standing as the number one old boy band parody act was still intact. This video was shot on a rented Panasonic AG-DVX 100 with a couple rented lights for the garage dancing scenes. Everyone agreed that this would be the last production and that everyone needed to retire.

Well, Philip Kang, finally got married in November of 2009. The mastermind behind the first two videos was not expecting the whole group to come out of retirement to do one last video for his wedding reception. But, his groomsmen couldn't resist the tantalizing prospects of immortalizing their amazing talent as the best old boy band act of all time in one final video. Five children, five marriages and five years have passed between the previous video and the final installment of the trilogy. Cowboy Kangsters in "Real Good Man" was orchestrated by none other than best man, Jimin Oh. This HD video was shot on Canon 5D Mark ll's all within one very hot day at the Rancho Saguaro.

Tim McGraw "Real Good Man" parody by Cowboy Kangsters from Jerry Yoon on Vimeo.

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