Joanne + Jonathan | Levi's Building | Fog City Diner | San Francisco | Engagement Session

Jonathan and Joanne's wedding is coming up in 2.5 weeks!  We've seen them at three or more weddings in just the last year, so it sometimes feels like groundhog day whenever they show up to weddings.  So we're excited that they're finally getting a wedding of their own.  Well, here's to even more groundhog days in the future.  See you again soon!

 The adorable couple!  They were a little camera shy at first but they did a great job.


We wandered through a display of Levi's jeans fan mail and decided to write one ourselves.  The letter reads "Thanks so much for letting us use your little red booth to shoot our engagement photo shoot.  XOXO!! Jonathan & Joanne".  I hope that one makes it on the display.  Make us famous Levi's!

 Jonathan and Joanne showing off their great smiles.




Almost every engagement session, there is at least one person who goes through lots of physical exertion.  This time it was Ingrid.  She had to vigorously shake the tree branches with her small frame.  She apologized to the tree later. 


But at least we got a really cool shot out of it!  


Outside of Fog City Diner.  


