Happy Holidays!


This year, we feel blessed to have met so many amazing couples, to have reunited with past couples with their many, many children, and to have experienced first hand what having a kid feels like.  This year, Jerry, Aubrey, Blake and I welcomed into our team Katharine and Ambrose.  We are happy, exhausted, extremely full from holiday pancakes, and excited for next year.  

It has been our tradition for 7 years now to make a fun (and creepy) holiday card with our friend Nathan and his cats.  This year's card is a lot less creepy than normal, but I'm hoping we'll make up for that next year with extra high cut off jeans for the boys.  If you'd like to make a weird/cool/creepy/epic Holiday or Valentines Day card with us, let us know and we can brain storm how to make your vision come alive!