cindy + dave | old saint mary's cathedral | marines memorial club | san francisco | wedding

Cindy and Dave made it incredibly easy to shoot their wedding.  We were surrounded by great lighting, awesome city backdrops and beautiful people.  And man, do these beautiful people dance!  One of my favorite parts of a wedding is the reception dancing- everyone gets down and we're surrounded by action.  It's sort of like setting us loose in the middle of a crazy funk parade!....if those things existed.  Some photographers don't even shoot receptions, but I think it's the most expressive time, chock full of raw sweaty personality.  Yum!

Cindy and Dave were a pleasure to get to know.  I understood why they were surrounded by tons of old friends that simply adored them.  We adore them too! 

Cindy's hair gets CRAZY before it gets awesome, as hair often does.

Some guys just look cool without effort.  It's not fair.

Cindy lookin' good as always.

 Love that Cindy's wrapped in light as she is about to walk down the aisle with her dad. 

Flippin' the bird or just showing off her bling.  That's right, looks like she's already engaged.

We made a little montage a few of the funny faces we saw that night.