We went to Yosemite this weekend with some friends to get away from it all and recuperate, before our Fall wedding season. It was a welcome break after this crazy summer season. We definitely feel blessed to have done so many special weddings this summer and are looking forward to finishing strong in 2007. We've been stretched in every way this summer, from starting a new blog, attending workshops, never settling for the average image, and meeting new people all the time!
I think I'll remember this as the summer of trying something new or different every shoot. Wedding photography can become very cookie cutter if one isn't very careful. It's so easy to fall back on your "safe" shots and not risk shooting something totally different. There's all those sayings about trying your best and if you fail, try try again. It's so true in photography. You can never become the best and just shoot the same way all the time, because the moment you shoot the same shot, people get bored. We didn't come into the wedding photography world to bore ourselves or our clients with average images. We came to kick ass and be the best.
If at any time you see us doing mediocre work, then please let us know. We promise to kick it into high gear or leave this industry. In this way, we know that we've done our mission. Which is to bless all of our couples with images that they'll love.
My favorite shot of the weekend. Wish I was there again.