I love it when we get to do a post-wedding shoot with the bride and groom. We can relax a little, get creative and have a lot of fun. That's why we're so excited about Brad and Anna's post wedding shoot. We took them all around San Francisco, joking that we were their tour service, since they came all the way from Atlanta, Georgia!
Anna and Brad were such troopers. We took them to Baker Beach and it was freezing! Between clattering teeth and running away from the tide, Anna was able to strike some very sexy poses.
By the end of the shoot, the four of us were starving. Anna and Brad kept talking about going to eat tacos and were getting more and more excited about mexican food as the day wore on. This got Jerry and me hankering for mexican food. As soon as we got back, we gobbled up a bunch of fajitas.
We had so much fun with you two and are so glad you came all the way to San Francisco!